Sharing and Caring

The House of Loreto is situated on 8 acres of beautiful property in northwest Canton.  In the past it has won Garden Club awards for its scenic gardens.  We appreciate the efforts of those who help to maintain the landscaping.

On Sunday, August 12, more than 20 volunteers came from New Pointe Community Church to trim bushes, spread mulch and to weed.  There were families, teens, and retirees, all sharing their time to spruce up the House of Loreto gardens.

During the summer there were many other generous contributors.   The Schmader family planted pansies in the urns lining the drive and flowers around the sign.  They maintained a Mary garden with colorful flowers in a prominent area in the front, and were faithful in watering the plants.

Mr. Kevin Keplinger donated pink geraniums to border the front of the House and red, white and blue petunias for the driveway urns.  We enjoyed his gifts of fresh spring lettuce and tasty garden vegetables and fruits throughout the summer.  He also was faithful at watering the plants during our drought conditions.

The family of Mrs. Joan Harold planted a formal garden along Lourdes Hall with a variety of flowering perennials and delicate lighted figurines for nighttime.

The Cross family, daughter of Mrs. Mathie, donated and maintained two dogwood trees which all continue to enjoy.

Mr. Dan Bell, a faithful volunteer, contributed seasonal flowers for the patio garden in his brother’s memory.

We are grateful to our own Miss Peg Ferguson, a resident who certainly displays a green thumb.  She daily waters, weeds, and cultivates in the front.

As one of the garden plaques reads:

“One is nearer God’s heart in a garden than anyplace else on Earth!”

A special “THANK  YOU!” to all!