Music and Memory

Our House of Loreto home for older Americans is proud to announce that we will be implementing a program called Music and Memory, a promising approach to caring for people with dementia.

For many people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, they are often left feeling trapped within their own bodies. Their past memories that they hold dear are muddled, confused, or inaccessible. The creators of the Music and Memory  program have found that when such people listen to their favorite music, it has helped to revive memories and connect them to the world around them.The project requires the person with dementia to have an iPod with their own private playlist. The process builds lasting, caring relationships and improves the care experience for all involved.

While we are in the initial planning stages at present, if you would like to support the Music and Memory program at House of Loreto, please contact Sister Marilee at 1-330-453-8137. We can use donated i-Pods, iTunes gift cards, and volunteers to make the program a success. You can learn more about this innovative new approach to dementia care at