
Somewhere I read of someone’s Mother’s reaction in the face of danger and crises.  I share it with you as timely.  In substance:

“We kids were always prepared for the worst – expecting a disaster when danger came into our lives – but I always remember my Mother’s breaking in to the stillness of waiting by saying ‘Eat your potatoes, Jim’ – ‘Elbows off the able, Kevin’ – ‘Pass the butter, Joe.'”

She was saying, in effect:  “Look, the only thing to do at a moment like this is to carry on, to eat, live, be alive. Don’t give in to fears and dangers.”

So it is with us.  Pray and yes, “eat your potatoes.”  It is important to carry on the ordinary, calm, kindly life.

Mother Patricia O’Connor, C.D.S.
Founding Superior, Friend, and Guide